Development of the aviation industry
Planes have been built and repaired in Halli, Kuorevesi, which nowadays is a part of Jämsä, since the year 1940. The aviation industry has provided a living for people in the area through highs and lows. The industrial area of Halli was created by two factories, Veljekset Karhumäki Oy and Valtion Lentokonetehdas. The airplane industry also brought the Air Force flight depot and test flight section to the region. From the start of the new millennium, the factory name has been Patria. The Air Force test flight centre and technical school operate in the garrison. How the airplane industry landed in Kuorevesi
The next year, the brothers began doing maintenance and repair work for the Air Force. In spring 1938, Marshal Mannerheim made a surprise visit to the airplane workshop in Keljo. Later that same year, the engineers Koskiala and Kuusinen suggested that the company should expand and relocate from Keljo to a more suitable site. The general partnership was changed to Veljekset Karhumäki Oy (Inc.) in 1939. The flying Karhumäki brothers held the majority of the company shares Copy Milla Sinivuori-Hakanen Pictures Aviation Museum of Hallinportti, Jyrki Laukkanen, Patria Aviation Oy and Veljekset Karhumäki Oy Sources Björklund Nils G.: Valmet. Asetehtaiden muuntuminen kansainväliseksi suuryhtiöksi Karhumäki Niilo: Karhunahas Kuoreveden kirja Lentovarikon historia 1918 - 2000 Suomalaista lentokoneosaamista 80 vuotta Tervonen Ismo: Veljekset Karhumäki Suomen ilmailun pioneereina 1924 - 1956 |
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