Crofts were rented farms usually situated far from village centres, in the hinterlands of the main farms. Farms usually had a single cottage in the grounds, which could be extended by the tenants, and storage buildings could be added to the rented grounds as well. In addition to the rent, the crofters had to take care of the buildings on their grounds and possibly of the road leading there.
The crofters paid the rent to the landlord as prearranged days of work and possibly also as produce such as wool yarn or lingonberries. Contracts were signed on the rights and duties of the crofters. The contract was often effective until the death of the crofter, but there were also evictions, especially in the beginning of the 20th century. At that time the farmers of Jämsä were anticipating the realization of the land claiming right. Claiming of crofts led to a large number of small farmers whose farms were often quite far from old village centres. Former crofts could also form their own villages in previously uninhabited areas. These villages are usually in the form of scattered single houses without a clear village center. Jämsä as well-known crofter parish
There were no crofters in Seppola or in the village centres of Jämsänkoski or Halli. Instead, there were other small rented houses on the edges of the village. These single cottages did not really need land to farm, as the occupants made their living as farm workers, cottage tenants, and factory workers, or were self-employed. A small potato field or a rented patch of land might have been kept to supplement the family income. Cottage tenants
Tenant farmers
In addition to the two already mentioned, there was a third tenant group, the tenant farmers. A tenant farmer would rent an entire farm with all of its land. In Jämsä, the Vitikkala farm was an example of a farm run by a tenant during the time that it was owned by the Taubens. Tenant farmers usually had a Crown farm or similar, with the owners living outside the area or with another profession aside from farming. Copy: Saija Silén
Sources Hänninen, Helena (toim.): Kuoreveden Kirja. Jyväskylä 1991. Keski-Suomen historia parts I - III Keski-Suomen museo: rakennusinventointitiedot Kulha, Keijo K.: Vanhan Jämsän historia 1860-luvulta vuoteen 1925. Turku 1974. Patjas, Auli et al.: Jämsän rakennusperinnettä. Jyväskylä 1982. Pirkanmaan kulttuurihistorialliset kohteet. Pirkanmaan liitto 1992. Putkonen, Lauri: Rakennettu kulttuuriympäristö - valtakunnallisesti merkittävät kulttuuriympäristöt Helsinki 1993. Räsänen, Timo: Jämsänkosken ja Koskenpään historia. Valkeakoski 1986. Seppänen, Heikki: Jämsänkosken Rustholli - Historiikki talosta ja sen asukkaista. Jyväskylä 1990. Suur-Jämsän historia, part 1. 1954 Suur-Jämsän historia, part 2. 1962 Suur-Jämsän historia, part 3. 1963 Valonen , Niilo ja Vuoristo, Osmo: Suomen kansanrakennukset.Vammala 1994. |
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