Varied leisure activities
As early as the 1800s, manufacturing companies organised various leisure activities for their employees and supported their own hobby circles. Preference was given to activities developing the community and supporting the operation of the factory, such as reading workshops and volunteer fire services. To counter monotonous factory work, sporting activities were also supported from the turn of the century. The aim was a contented and reliable staff, whose leisure time activities were not in conflict with the aims of the company. Organising and subsidising leisure activities was a part of the comprehensive social function of companies. To begin with, United Paper Mills focused on organising hobbies with direct material benefits. Jämsänkoski had gardening instructors appointed by the company from the 1920s. They provided guidance in caring for both employees' own vegetable plots and those rented from the company. The required seeds, seedlings and fertilisers could be purchased from company farms. Gardening instruction was intended to benefit the whole of the worker's family, but it was targeted at housewives and children, so that they could contribute to the common good while the father of the family contributed his labour at the mill. After the war, company-subsidised leisure activities were extended to cover almost all types of hobbies. Children's clubs
During the First World War, Ab Jämsänkoski had maintained a kindergarten for factory workers' children. Children's club activities began in the United towns and villages at the end of the 1920s. The activity began as clubs for young children, extended to cover clubs for girls and boys, and plant and gardening clubs that became important during the slump at the turn of the 1930s. The aim of the activity was to direct children to educational hobbies. At the same time, products of handicraft and gardening clubs brought some small economic benefits. The activity was funded by the company and executed by workers of the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare.
Women's clubs
Women's sewing courses began during the slump in the 1930s. The Martha Organisation set up home economics educational work in various mill villages. The Jämsänkoski Martha Organisation was established in 1936. Home economics instruction and courses started at Ilveslinna in 1946. From the mid-1950s to the mid-1970s their meeting place was at Rinnemaja. The long-time leader of the Jämsänkoski advisory station was domestic science technician Aira Vanko.
Kaipola women's club
A separate women's club started up at Kaipola in 1957. The club gave an opportunity for recreation and meeting other women in their own village. The club also did social work by making and repairing clothing for children of the club's adopted 'god-families'. The club programmes included cookery, various voluntary working bees and travel. The club obtained its own meeting place, Pohjanpirtti, in the basement of a company apartment block, Roukko IV. In 1966 the club moved into former shop premises on the ground floor of Roukko II. This Kulmapirtti also boasted a training kitchen. Instruction of Olkkola sawmill women's club members in weaving was also one of the tasks of the Kaipola home economics advisor.
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