Quiet times at the aircraft factories in Halli during the 1960s
After the Fouga work was done, the Kuorevesi factory had to resort to filler work again as the aircraft industry hit another low. The manufacturing of safety cabs for construction machinery for theValmet Oy Tourula plant began in 1968. The cabs kept about 100 people a year at work for two decades. Manufacture of safety cabs ended in 1988. Veljekset Karhumäki Oy sells its factory and HaLeKmo is born Lack of work for the Air Force and a difficult competitive position with the government-owned Aero Oy led to the sale of Veljekset Karhumäki Oy stock and the Kar-Air stock it owned to Aero Oy in 1963. Aero Oy directly sold the aircraft factory on to the Ministry of Defence. The Karhumäki plant became Hallin Lentokalustokorjaamo, abbreviated to HaLeKmo, and it operated under the Commander of the Air Force. The Ministry of Defence leased HaLeKmo out to Valmet Oy for 20 years in 1970. |
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