The Jämsänjoki river valley yearbooks 2001 - 2003
The Jämsänjoki river valley yearbook records the news events of the year month by month (from October to September) and jumps to history by repeating important news items and phenomena from decades ago in ten-year intervals from the 1920s. The publisher's representative Teuvo Tihilä of the Jämsä local area society and reporter Risto Hakola came up with the idea for the contents of the yearbook during the planning of the first yearbook. The interlacing of past and present gives the book its unique flavour. When the entire ten-book series is finished, a wide-ranging study of the Jämsänjoki valley between the years 1921 and 2010,a time span of ninety years, will have been made.
Towns and villagesAt workAt schoolFree timeMuseums and collectionsIn the studyTimelineInfoInstructions