Schools of Jämsänkoski
In Jämsänkoski, schooling began as private tutoring, given since 1897 at the old assembly rooms by United Papermills. The first municipal schools began teaching in Jämsänkoski in the year 1903. At that time a primary school was started, and its school building was erected in 1906 on the site where the current commercial college is situated. A few years later, in 1910, a secondary school was built next to it. At first the schools were called by the name of the teacher who ran them. The primary school was called the Joutsen school and the secondary school the Toivila school.
After the law on compulsory education became effective in the 1920s, the Korpi school, also a primary school, was built near the town centre. The Korpi school was built in the year 1932. The school system of Haavisto started operating in the year 1931. Later the old schools were demolished, when the area of the vocational college was being built. The upper level comprehensive and upper secondary schools acquired new buildings, and the large central folk school of Jämsänkoski had been operating since the 1950s. Below, all operational Jämsänkoski schools are introduced. The closed Haavisto school is at the bottom of the list. More information Schools of Jämsänkoski Copy: Saija Silén Sources ARS Suomen taide parts 1 - 3. Ahlstedt, Hannu: Kotikuntani Jämsänkoski. Jämsänkosken koululautakunta 1984. Ahlstedt, Hannu: Jämsänkoskea kahden puolen miljoonakesää. 1985. Keski-Suomen historia parts I - III Kulha, Keijo K.: Vanhan Jämsän historia 1860-luvulta vuoteen 1925. Turku 1974. Nikula, Riitta: Rakennettu Maisema - Suomen arkkitehtuurin vuosisadat. Keuruu 1993. Putkonen, Lauri: Rakennusperintömme - Kulttuuriympäristön lukukirja. Helsinki 2001. Räsänen, Timo: Jämsänkosken ja Koskenpään historia. Valkeakoski 1986. |
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