Village crofts

Kuva: Silén 2006Some of the present, more remote villages in Jämsä have been created around crofter's cottages. The crofts were typically positioned in the hinterlands, relatively far away from the main farm. Yet the crofts owned by one farm could be quite close together, maybe less than ten kilometres apart. These villages formed around crofters' cottages are usually in the form of scattered single houses without a clear village centre. By the year 1860 the areas of Jämsä, Jämsänkoski and Koskenpää already had 385 crofts and a decade later, at the beginning of the 20th century, the number was closer to a thousand. That number also includes cottage tenants, who had less than two hectares of land to farm.

As an example, the oldest surviving settlements of Ehunsalmi are the crofts founded in the first half of the 19th century, built in the hinterlands of the large farms of Seppola. The scattered village areas of Mustinka and Oksjärvi have also been formed around crofters'  cottages.

Copy: Saija Silén

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