Schools of Koskenpää

The first school in Koskenpää was established only a few years after the first school of Jämsä, the Jokivarsi school, was started. The Siniänvirta school was the second school of Jämsä because Koskenpää was at that time a part of Jämsä, along with Jämsänkoski. The Siniänvirta school was started in 1879 in Koskenpää, and it operated in rented pKuva: Museo24 / S. Silén 2006remises for the first decades. A separate school building was built in 1912 and the school was officially named Koskenpää folk school. In addition to this, there was also other school activity in the area: The Luomi school was started in the 1920s, the Porkkala or Havu school in 1907, and the Sahloinen school in 1915. In addition, children were taught in the Kalmavirta and Niinimäki schools that operated in rented premises. Later, the Ehikki and Riihijärvi schools were established.

All of the Koskenpää schools apart from the central school were closed down by 1971. Next, a short introduction to the central school of Koskenpää and introductions of the discontinued schools of Koskenpää.

More information
Koskenpää school

Copy: Saija Silén

ARS Suomen taide parts 1 - 3.
Ahlstedt, Hannu: Kotikuntani Jämsänkoski. Jämsänkosken koululautakunta 1984.
Keski-Suomen historia part I - III
Kulha, Keijo K.: Vanhan Jämsän historia 1860-luvulta vuoteen 1925. Turku 1974.
Räsänen, Timo: Jämsänkosken ja Koskenpään historia. Valkeakoski 1986.