The fire and the new pulp mill
On 11 June 1896 a fire broke out, destroying all the wooden factory buildings, two buildings housing workers, and the warehouses. Only the brick bleaching plant remained. Because the mill was insured and the price trends of cellulose appeared favourable, construction of the new factory was started immediately. The buildings had reached the roofing stage in the autumn of the same year. Chemical pulp production grew steadily through the early 1900s. Sales of bleached pulp were particularly buoyant, but the Jämsänkoski bleaching plant was so small that only 2/5 of the production could be bleached. Breaking out of the First World War caused difficulties in obtaining sulphur and reduced the quantity of cellulose produced by half. In 1917 the company name was changed to the Finnish form Osakeyhtiö Jämsänkoski. Jämsänkoski becomes part of United Paper Mills Ltd
The improvement works began at Jämsänkoski in 1920, and because of the large investments, the summer was named the 'million summer'. Many construction projects were launched and a lot of external labour arrived in the area. Expenditure was copious and the renovation works mushroomed out of control. Lack of technical expertise, excessive optimism and lack of supervision resulted in failure of Kuhn's project. |
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