- Towns and villages
- Villages
- Haavisto
- Introduction
- Origin of village
- Connections
- Agriculture and forestry
- Agriculture and cattle rasing
- Money from forest
- Introduction
- Artisans
- Shops
- School
- In the past
- "Upper" elementary school
- "Lower" elementary school
- Closing the school
- Library
- Introduction
- Associations
- Youth club
- Small farmers club
- Volunteer fire department
- Martha Organization
- Hawks
- Farmers' society
- Kalastuskunta
- Hiipijät
- Folk music musicians
- Introduction
- Village today
- Introduction
- Juokslahti
- Origin of village
- Connections
- Agriculture and forestry
- Agriculture
- Farming
- Forestry
- Introduction
- Artisans
- Shops
- School
- Associations
- Workers association
- Youth club
- Farmers' society
- Sports
- Juokslahti Associations House
- Introduction
- Causerie (Jämsä dialect)
- Village today
- Introduction
- Vekkula
- Croft owners' village
- Working in the forests
- Furious Vekkula
- Vekkula Light
- School
- Teacher K. V. Hongisto
- Workers' association
- Vekkula small farmers' association
- Keskinen shop
- Paavo wanted to create a perpetual motion
- Runkkala's Kalle - Vekkula's Vesterinen
- Vekkula today
- Introduction
- Suinula
- Introduction
- Origin of the village
- Suinula associations
- Kuorevesi-Suinula workers association
- Youth club Nysä
- Suinula village association
- Introduction
- Kerte and Palsina
- Origin of the village
- Connections
- Agriculture and forestry
- Shops
- School
- In the past
- Palsina elementary school
- Palsina elementary school 2
- The end of the Palsina elementary school
- Introduction
- Associations
- Introduction
- Missionary Sewing Association
- Palsina Farmers Society
- Kukero hunters
- Kertteen Pallo (KerPa)
- Kerte-Palsina village association
- Introduction
- Hassi
- Introduction
- Connections
- Small-scale industry
- Shops and banks
- School and library
- Associations and clubs
- Built environment
- Churches
- Jämsä church
- Stages of church buildings
- Roots in the Middle age
- Churc made of wood
- Gold and images
- 100 years old countryside church
- The fire of Jämsä church
- Introduction
- Jämsä church today
- Church environment
- Time for tranquility
- Jämsä Church Museum
- Introduction
- Neitsyt Marian alttarikaappi
- Pyhimykset
- Raamattu
- Kynttiläkruunu
- Ikkunat ja saarnatuoli
- Muuta museoesineistöä
- Introduction
- Kuorevesi Church
- Längelmäki church buildings
- Jämsänkoski Church
- Other well known buildings
- Introduction
- Existing well known buildings
- Demolished buildings
- Jämsä Osuusmeijeri and mill
- Jämsä Osuusmeijeri and mill 1929 - 1959
- Osuusmeijeri of Jämsä region and mill 1960 - 2006
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Building environments
- Buildings of W. G. Palmqvist
- Schools
- Architectural styles
- Introduction
- Schoolhouses of Jämsä
- Alhojärvi
- Arvaja
- Ehunsalmi
- Hassi and Olkkola
- Heräjärvi
- Hopsu
- Jokioinen
- Jokivarsi
- Juokslahti
- Jämsä secondary school
- Kaipola
- Mustinka
- Oksjärvi and Ahvenus
- Partala
- Ruotsula
- Sammallahti
- Seppola
- Säyrylä
- Turkinkylä
- Tyry
- Vaheri
- Vekkula
- Vitikkala
- Introduction
- Schoolhouses of Kuorevesi
- Kuorevesi school centre
- Halli
- Kavala
- Koivuniemi and Elimäki
- Lahti
- Palsina
- Pihlaisto
- Suinula
- Taipale
- Ylövesi and Ajostaipale
- Introduction
- Schoolhouses of Jämsänkoski
- Schools in Koskenpää
- Schoolhouses of Längelmäki
- Assembly halls
- Farms
- Längelmäki villages and buildings
- Courtyard
- Farm buildings
- Changing building styles
- From log cabin to glass veranda
- Pre-war farms
- Post-war farms
- Introduction
- Crofts
- Puukila croft
- Croft yard
- Introduction
- Village crofts
- Estates and official buildings
- Aristographic estates
- Empire
- Ruotsula
- Patajoki estate
- Iso-Koljonen estate
- 1800s: architectural styles
- Vitikkala estate
- Tauriala
- Jugend period
- Classicism
- Introduction
- Quarters of the factory workers
- Business buildings
- Post-war time, one-family houses
- Small houses of reconstruction period
- From detached house to Arava-houses
- Living in Jokilaakso
- Introduction
- Tyyppipiirustuksia_ja_rintamamiehia
- Summerhouses
- Introduction
- Traffic
- Roads
- Introduction
- Jämsästä Jyväskylään ja muualle
- Bridges over Jämsä River
- From horses to horsepower
- Transport infrastructure in early years
- Highways in bad condition
- Kievareista Keitaisiin - etappimatkailua ja levähdyspisteitä
- Hollimiehiä ja viinankiroja
- Matkakeitaiden aikakaudella
- Waterborne traffic
- Päijänne - passage to the world
- Sotilasutopioista höyrylaivakauteen
- Puuteollisuudesta vauhtia
- Tavaravirta kasvaa
- Shipowner Konkola
- Taistelu matkustajista
- Jämsäläisiä erikoisuuksia
- Reittiliikenteen hiipuminen
- Ships
- Passanger ships
- Seura
- Toivo
- Päijänne
- Jämsä (later Tehi)
- Aallotar
- Vellamo
- Taru
- Jyväskylä
- Vellamo - UPM
- Päijännematkat-ships
- SS Kuorevesi
- Some other ships
- Introduction
- Tugboats
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Jämsä River
- Railways
- Introduction
- Rautatie - tie onnelaan
- Rataverkon rungot ohi Keski-Suomen
- Kaatuneet ratahankkeet
- Ennen Jämsän radan valmistumista
- Rata patruunan suojeluksessa
- Radan merkitys kaupunkikuvalle ja ihmiselle
- Introduction
- Traffic and enviroments
- Bus stations in Jämsä
- Bus stations in Jämsänkoski
- Bus stations in Kuorevesi
- Railway architecture
- Länkipohja railway station
- Introduction
- The Laukaa Road
- Introduction
- At work
- Forest industry
- Production
- Jämsänkoski mills
- Introduction
- Sawmills
- Chemical pulp
- From the beginning to the 1896
- Fire and the new pulp factory
- Pulp production 1920 - 1940
- Pulp production 1941 - 1981
- Manufacturing the sulphite spirit
- Pekilo protein plant
- The early years: sulphate and sulphite
- Introduction
- Refined mechanical pulp
- Paper
- Timber supplies
- Energy
- Transportation
- Fire brigade
- Construction
- People at work
- Introduction
- Work and workers
- Working hours and wages 1880 - 1940
- Post-war wages
- Women as factory workers
- Factory as educator
- Introduction
- Solin - photos from family archive
- United Paper Mills - Christmas presents
- Factory and community
- Welfare and hobbies
- Health care and pension
- Varied leisure activities
- Community spirit through sports
- Työ Äärestä magazine
- Introduction
- Agriculture of United Paper Mills Ltd
- Histories of Manufacturing Companies
- Jämsänkoski Sawmill and Mill Company
- Jämsänkoski Ab
- Ab Jämsänkoski
- Ltd Jämsänkoski
- United Paper Mills Ltd and Rudolf Walden's period 1920 - 1940
- Juuso Walden's period 1940 - 1969
- From United to UPM-Kymmene
- Introduction
- Environmental changes
- Changing landscape
- Factory area takes shape
- The factory site is isolated as production area
- Pleasant living environment
- Introduction
- Development of factory courtyard
- Disadvantages of industry
- Introduction
- Characteristics
- 2_yhtiolaivan_ruorissa
- Työn Äärestä 1930-luku: Varhaisia työn sankareita
- Työn Äärestä 1939 - 1944: Talvi- ja jatkosodassa kaatuneet tehtaalaiset
- 4_tyon_aaresta_1945_50
- 1945
- 1946
- 1947
- 1948
- 1949
- 1950
- 5_tyon_aaresta_1951_55
- Tyon_aaresta_1951
- 1952
- 1953
- 1954
- 1955
- 6_tyon_aaresta_1956_61
- 1956
- 1957
- 1958
- 1959
- 1960
- 1961
- Introduction
- The Finnish Paper Workers’ Union
- Paper Workers' Union: Jämsänkoski union
- Introduction
- Cellulose and paper
- Favourable and contrary wind
- Worker's "horror time"
- Do not leave the companion
- "Engagement in January"
- Paper worker's free time
- Benefits
- Paper workers' cars
- From United to UPM
- Paper 2000
- Trustees
- Sources
- Labour welfare
- Paper Workers' Union: Kaipola union
- Introduction
- History of the Kaipola union
- Tightening the operations
- Fireing of Kalevi Aronen
- Jigging competitions and hiking
- "Shooting" Reiska
- Lindroos appears
- End of the Waldens' time
- From workers to wage earners
- Selin's and Lindroos's come back
- Middle-aged Kaipola union
- Challenges of the new decade
- Trustees
- Sources
- Labour welfare
- Introduction
- Paperman's glossary
- List of sources
- Links
- Introduction
- Aviation industry
- Airplanes to fighting Finland
- Post-war period
- 1950s
- Jet plane period
- 1960s - low period
- Domestic and foreign airplanes to production
- Redigo, the last Finnish Military aeroplane?
- Great and international
- Introduction
- Felt industry
- Partalan huopatehtaat
- Huopaliike Lahtinen Ay
- Alhon Huopatehdas Oy
- Introduction
- Jämsän Huopatehdas Oy
- Koskenpään Huopatehdas Oy
- Introduction
- History of Koskenpään Huopatehdas Oy
- Introduction
- Company group
- Lama-ajat ja tuotannon monipuolistuminen
- Höyrystä sähköön
- Koskenpään Huopatehdas Oy 1970 - 1990-luvulla
- Lisätietoa yrityksestä
- Villasta huopikkaaksi
- International felt exhibitions
- Introduction
- Huopasia Venäjältä Suomeen
- Huopateollisuus alkaa Jämsässä
- Handicraftsmen
- Agriculture
- Introduction
- Traditional agriculture
- Changes in agriculture
- Savo
- Origin of Savo
- Turku Academy collects taxes
- Golden age of Savo
- Miracle machines of Savo
- Kuorevesi Wheat Mill
- From the field to the owen
- Working at a farm
- Carpenters at Old Jämsä Area
- Introduction
- Village carpenters
- Introduction
- Joonas Blom
- Sakeus Saario
- Kalle Pihlajarinne
- Juho Toivonen
- Emil Salonen
- Kalle Hellman
- Emil Siltanen
- Otto Aaltonen
- Iisakki Virtanen
- Carpenter Masters and Carpenter Workshops
- Introduction
- Gunnar Eklund
- Jämsän Puuseppäin Huonekaluliike J. A. Linden
- Joonas Vuolle-Apiala
- Carpenter Otto Toivonen
- Pentti Perälä Carpenter Shop
- Puutuote Leppiniemi Ky
- Carpenter Paavo Saario
- Holisevan Saha Oy: Carpenter Workshop
- United Paper Mills' Carpenter Workshop
- Eemil Saario
- Ajokalupaja K. Ilmarinen
- Veneveistämöitä
- Furniture Carpenters
- Introduction
- Paavo Nieminen
- Emil Aalto
- Emil Hurme
- Aleksi Nieminen
- Paavo Lindell
- Heikki Hurme
- Joel Naarajärvi
- Vihtori Nieminen
- Olavi Nieminen
- Topias Nieminen
- Eemel Kotasuo
- Kalle Virtanen
- Kalle Rantanen
- Viljo Hellman
- Onni Salonen
- Sulo E. Mäkinen
- Ski Workshops
- Introduction
- At school
- Introduction
- Vocational education and training
- Local viewpoints
- Vocational education and training for the whole country
- Introduction
- Jämsä - in the front line
- Development of the local vocational education
- Developing the education
- New vocational institutions and the importance of local vocational education
- Introduction
- Adult Education Center of the City of Jämsä
- Origin of the Jämsä Adult education centre
- The first years
- Student association
- Litterature, arts and theatre
- Uusi rehtori
- Toiminta laajenee Kuhmoisiin
- Päätoimiset opettajat tulevat
- Johtokuntatyö loppuu - opisto jatkaa
- Introduction
- Jämsä High School
- Free time
- Sports
- Local athletes
- Introduction
- Veikko Hakulinen
- Kyösti Lehtonen
- Väinö Huhtala
- Olavi Salonen
- Relief: Winners of Olympic Games
- Alhon Aki
- HimoSki
- JämPa
- Jämsän Naisvoimistelijat
- Jämsän Seudun Ampujat
- Jämsänkosken Ilves ry
- Facts
- Period of changes
- Important support from United Paper Mills
- Tradition: skiing
- Haku-Veikko
- Athletics since 1930s
- Attraction of the football
- Swimming and Raimo Mäkelä
- From basket ball to volley ball
- Icehockey on 1950s and 60s
- Introduction
- 05_C_J_ms_nkosken_Jyry
- Introduction
- Through hard days to steady ground
- Days of glory
- New millenium - new challenges
- Athletics in focus
- Swimming - popular sport
- Wintersports
- From gymnastics to swimming schools
- Other sports
- Kaipolan Naisvoimistelijat
- Sport club Kaipolan Vire
- Laturetkeilijät
- Introduction
- 11Jamsan_Seudun_Moottorikerho
- Jämsän Retki-Veikot
- Old local sports photos
- Theatre
- Introduction
- History of regional theatre
- Jämsä working-class theatre
- Jämsänkoski working class theatre
- Golden years of Jämsänkoski
- Post-war theatre
- J J theatre
- Introduction
- Characters
- Yrjö Hakanen, scrap book
- Other photos of theatre
- Literature
- Authors from Jämsä area
- Introduction
- Aalto Kauko
- Aro Elina
- Eskola Ilmari
- Hännikäinen Liisa
- Karhumäki Niilo
- Markkula Tapani
- Niemi Tero and Salminen Anne
- Nuolivaara Auni
- Oksanen Ville
- Pitkäranta Inkeri
- Rauhala K. N.
- Susiluoto Laura
- Tanninen Oili
- Tihlä Hilda
- Tiira Hannes
- Varhia Otto
- Veijola Laura
- Hellén Immi
- Authors from Jämsänkoski area
- Introduction
- Kantele Väinö
- Lehén Emil
- Luotonen Antti
- Nieminen Raija
- Rahikainen Kalevi
- Vainio Pirkko
- Virtanen Jukka
- Virvatuli Annikki
- Historians
- Home district authors
- Local poets and poems
- Home district poems
- Jämsänjoki-poems
- Runuu jämpsäks 2004
- Introduction
- Palkitut runot 2004
- 2004 kilpailun muita runoja 1
- 2004 kilpailun muita runoja 2
- 2004 kilpailun muita runoja 3
- Runuu jämpsäks 2006
- Introduction
- Non-fiction authors
- Introduction
- Sources
- Music
- Choirs
- Bands
- Introduction
- Jämsänkoski fire brigade
- Officers
- Youth department
- Other activities
- Equipments
- Haavisto village department
- Largest fires
- Alarm signals
- Koskenpään VPK
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Museums and collections
- Pälämäki, local Museum of Jämsä
- History
- How to reach Pälämäki
- Introduction
- The buildings
- Hay barn
- Corn granary
- Loft storehouse
- Milk storehouse
- Mill granery
- Main building
- Smoke cabin
- Storehouse for clothes
- Granary
- Introduction
- The Collections
- Wood working tools
- Textile implements and leather tools
- Food dishes
- Furniture
- For horses and cows
- Chests and bushels
- Blacksmiths works
- Introduction
- The Museum in action
- For the schools
- Farmers museum
- Museum in action
- Museum kitchen
- Heikki Isännäinen, stories
- How to reach Maamiehen museo
- Introduction
- Collections
- For the schools
- Aarresaari
- Origin of the museum
- Museum buildings
- How to reach Aarresaari
- Aaku, cottage
- Panorama from Oinaala direction
- Panorama from the main building
- Introduction
- Kuoreveden kotiseutumuseo
- Panorama from the museum yard
- How to reach Kuorevesi local museum
- Introduction
- Buildings and collection
- Panorama from the front garden
- Panorama to the shore
- Panorama from the stable yard
- Map of the yard
- Introduction
- Scenery in the mouth of the river
- Voluntary work and events
- Hallinportti aviation museum
- Veljesten Wanha Konttori - aviation exhibition house
- Exhibitions of the aircraft industry
- Living around the aircraft industry
- Aviation pioneers
- Aerial photos from Hanko to Petsamo
- How to reach Veljesten Wanha Konttori
- Introduction
- Längelmäki local museum
- Introduction
- In the study
- After iceage
- Old maps
- Jonas Streng
- Old maps of Jämsä region
- Parish maps
- Parish map from 1752
- Borders of Jämsä parish 1751 - 52
- Land reparcelling maps
- Reconnaissance maps
- 1840 parish maps
- General maps of Jämsä region
- Introduction
- Photo galleries
- Kuvia Jämsän kaupungin kokoelmista
- Anna Salonen's Gallery
- Buildings and landscapes in Jämsä
- People and occasions
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Lauri Virtanen - photos
- Introduction
- Photos from United Papermills Jämsänkoski Ltd in 1930-80
- Jämsänkoski photos
- Past time photos
- Sauli Lehmusto's Gallery
- Local history
- Introduction
- The origin of place names
- Suomalaiset paikannimiaineistot
- Jämsän seudun paikannimien määrät
- Jämsän seudun yleisimmät nimet
- Jämsän seudun nimistön piirteitä
- Jämsän seudun uniikit nimet
- Liite: Jämsän ja Jämsänkosken nimet nimiryhmien ja paikan lajin mukaan
- Listen to local dialect
- Dialect of Jämsä
- Dialect of Jämsänkoski
- Dialect of Koskenpää
- Dialect of Kuorevesi
- Introduction
- Pakinoita Jämpsästä - juuret maisemassa
- Pakinoita Jämpsästä - osa 2, Minkälaisiks jämpsäläiset o tassivuntunnu ajan soatossa?
- Pakinoita Jämpsästä - osa 3
- v_pakina_jamsan_mureteella
- Sayings
- Local area archives of Jämsä
- Private archives
- Maire Hirvonen's scrab books
- Local area archives of Jämsä
- Associaton archives
- Company archives
- Archives of Farmer's museum
- Museum archives
- Recordings
- Other material
- Introduction
- Bibliography
- Carpenter
- Content
- Introduction
- Carpenters 1
- Carpenters 2
- Carpenters 3
- 81_7_05_Eklund
- 81_7_06_linden
- 81_7_50_Kilpikoski
- 81_7_51_Juven
- 81_7_52_Laine
- Jämsä folkdress
- Monuments and statues
- Jämsä
- Memorials
- Introduction
- Nälkävuosien muistomerkki
- Rauhan ja sovinnon muistomerkki
- Vapaussodan sankarivainajien muistomerkki
- Sotilas Ruthin muistomerkki
- Karjalaan jääneiden vainajien muistomerkki
- Kalle Niemisen hautamuistomerkki
- Niemen patteriston muistopatsas
- Muut muistomerkit
- Statues
- City art
- Jämsänkoski
- Koskenpää
- Längelmäki
- Year 1918, Yearbooks, old and new photos etc.
- 1918
- Introduction
- Vuoden 1918 tapahtumien taustoja Suomessa
- Jämsän seudun tapahtumia 1917 - 1918
- Yearbook of Jämsä region
- 2001 Yearbook of Jämsä region
- Yearbook of Jämsä region 2002
- 2003 Yearbook of Jämsä region
- Jämsänjokilaakson vuosikirja 2004
- 2005 Yearbook of Jämsä region
- 2007 Yearbook of Jämsä region
- Introduction
- Past and present -gallery
- Photos from Jämsä
- Photos from Jämsänkoski
- Introduction
- Local sounds 2006
- Year 2050 Exhibition
- Local persons
- Jämsän Äijät ja Ämmät
- The story of Hallin Janne
- Introduction
- Towards criminal life
- "Took a postman's life"
- Investigations
- Confessions and more evidences
- Hard judgment
- Hallin Janne lives in literature
- Hallin Janne movie
- A flight to premiere
- Local success
- Hallin Janne opera
- More Janne
- Introduction
- Immi Hellén
- Samuel Hellen
- Mother and Immi's birth
- Home
- Church
- Mother's death
- At school
- As a teacher
- Home district
- Bublications
- Misses of the villa
- Old age
- Heritage
- Introduction
- The Längelmäki Linen girls
- Working space for schools
- Juokslahti elementary school
- Introduction
- Aleksi's exercise
- Elina's and Juho's exercise
- Joel's exercise
- Pirkka's exercise
- Toni's exercise
- Vitikkala elementary school
- 8923_Partalan_koulu
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Timeline
- Introduction
- Aikajakso
- Time span 0 - 1000
- Time span 1000 - 1500
- Time span 1500 - 1700
- 1500 "Tax fish" in district court sessions
- 1539 Settlement by the Jämsä River
- 1570 Collective villages and collective forests
- 1586 Jämsänkoski as mill centre
- 1596 Huoveja ja linnaleirejä
- 1626 Jämsäläisiä maailmalla – hakkapeliittoja ja uskonsotia
- 1641 Trade in Turku
- 1699 Hunger, death and laws
- Time span 1700 - 1800
- 1713 Cossacks and dreadfulnesses of war
- 1730 Torpat muuttavat maaseutua
- 1750 Isojako ja varakkaat maanomistajat
- 1775 Vihassa sotimassa ja rauhassa rakentamassa
- 1792 First saws at Jämsä River Valley
- Time span 1800 - 1850
- 1806 Potato found the way to Jämsä
- 1809 Keisari Aleksanterin joukot Jämsässä
- 1845 Noisy guests from Russia
- f_timeline_1850-1900
- 1850 Champagne and Havanna cigars
- 1858 Education
- 1863 Visitors from Helsinki
- 1864 Increasing traffic
- 1869 Kansakoulu alkaa takoa oppia
- 1883 Viinankiroja ja raittiusväkeä
- 1889 First Päijänne cruises
- 1898 Teollistuva koski
- Time span 1900 - 1920
- 1902 Yhteisrintamassa keisarivaltaa vastaan
- 1906 Sosialidemokraattinen Jämsä
- 1911 Maailmankatsomuksellisia törmäyksiä
- 1915 Electricity at Kottila
- 1918 "Horror time" in Jämsä River Valley
- Time span 1920 - 1940
- 1922 Enlargening factory, scattering Jämsä parish
- 1923 Working people and non-socialists
- 1925 Movies from America
- 1927 Viinaveikkoja ja huligaaneja
- 1930 Köyhäintaloja ja työttömyyden torjuntaa
- 1932 Oikeistoradikalismia ja punaisia vaatteita
- 1939 Kuorevesi: Aviation centre
- Time span 1940 - 1960
- 1940 Women at home frontier
- 1942 War time culture differences
- 1948 Slowly industrializing Jämsä
- 1951 Towards apartment houses
- 1952 Olympic fever
- 1952 Train to Jämsä
- 1952 Kaipola
- 1957 International attention focusing to Jämsä
- Time span 1960 - 1980
- 1960 Street signs and centre square
- 1974 Kulttuuriympäristö kaupungistumisen jaloissa
- 1975 Pollutants and health problems
- Time span 1980 - 2000
- Years 2000 - 2010
- Info
- Museo24 - basic idea
- Museum24 - objectives
- Hankkeen toteuttajat ja yhteistyökumppanit
- Museum24- technical overview
- Authors
- Contact
- Notices
- Introduction
- Instructions
- Introduction